My Bucket List



South America


North America

Central America


I developed my latest bucket list to help me focus my energy and resources on experiences that could simultaneously challenge me and enhance my personal growth. Though this menu is spotlighting adventure travel, it is not about the destinations, per se; it is about the journeys – combining my love for globetrotting with living an active lifestyle. I want to balance taking risks and letting go of fear, learning additional skills, discovering latent talents and making sure that I am celebrating life fully in each moment.
In addition to many more exploits in Asia, I am also setting my sights on gems in Africa and Central/South America.
I will share my escapades with you, so you can have a sense of being there with me. Who knows, maybe my travel tales will even inspire you to venture to some of these far-away, amazing places, or start your own bucket list, if you do not already have one.